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Eco-Friendly Window Shades near Anaheim, CA

What does eco-friendly mean to you? When it comes to modern window treatments, environmentally friendly features can vary greatly with each type of window covering. There are eco-friendly shades that feature sustainable fabrics and window treatments that help to lower a home’s carbon footprint. Let our experts at Don's Drapery Service share some of the choices available for environmentally conscious homeowners that the Hunter Douglas collection offers eco-friendly window shades for every space.

Hunter Douglas Designer Solar Shades near Anaheim, California (CA)

Sustainable Fabrics for Eco-Friendly Window Shades

One option for eco-friendly window shades is to look for treatments that use recycled, upcycled or sustainable materials. In the world of window treatments, that means both advanced man-made textiles and the smart harvesting and utilization of natural components.

  • GreenScreen Sea-Tex™ Fabric: Working with reclaimed maritime plastics, Hunter Douglas and Bionic created a sustainable fabric for window shades. The recycled coastal plastics are spun into yarn to create textiles for Hunter Douglas’s Designer Screen Shades. GreenScreen® Sea-Tex™ Fabrics come in 5 different base colors with 3% openness and the ability to protect against UV rays. Homeowners who opt for this type of eco-friendly window shade with its proprietary sustainable fabric can also elect to upgrade to the latest amenities like motorization with PowerView® Automation.
  • Provenance® Woven Wood Shades: When it comes to sustainable fabrics for eco-friendly window shades, bamboo makes a quality choice with inherit durability and strength, plus environmentally friendly features like the ability to be recycled and a shorter maturing cycle for more sustainable harvesting. Provenance Woven Wood Shades are made from a variety of natural materials including bamboo and other grasses, woods, and reeds, and they can be customized into a number of different styles of window treatments including Roman shades and drapery.

Lowered Carbon Footprint with Eco-Friendly Window Shades

A second way that we can look at the environmental friendliness of window shades is the way they help homeowners to control energy use. From better insulation to optimized scheduling, modernization in the world of window treatments can help homeowners regulate their energy use with more efficiency.

  • Cellular Honeycomb Shades: Up to 30% of unwanted energy transfer can occur through a home’s windows. To improve energy efficiency, this weakness has to be addressed otherwise heat or cooling from inside will escape and unwanted weather can enter the home and raise those energy bills. Duette® Cellular Shades create an insulating layer over windows to block unwanted energy transfer helping to keep interior temperatures more consistent and comfortable with less need for additional, costly artificial heating or cooling. This woks to maintain equilibrium and helps to lower your home’s carbon footprint.
  • Motorized Shades: Sometimes it’s not the type of eco-friendly window shades that matters, but rather how those shades are used. Afterall, energy efficiency happens through conscientious choices and routines. Motorized shades with PowerView® Automation can be set up to automatically open and close on a schedule optimized for energy efficiency harnessing or blocking sunlight as needed.

Contact Us

For homeowners that prioritize eco-friendly home design, Hunter Douglas has window shades with sustainable fabrics and those that will help lower your home’s carbon foot print.

Shop those options at the showroom of Don’s Drapery located near Anaheim, California, or request a consultation on line today to discuss eco-friendly window shades from the comfort of your home. Don’s Drapery Service serves the areas surrounding Irvine, Yorba Linda, and Anaheim in southern California.